Духовные знакомства: Наталья , 51, Italy,

Наталья, 51, . (Profile 27868)

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Gender Female
Name Наталья
Date of birth .10.1972   (Age: 51)
Zodiac sign Libra
Country Italy
Family status Divorced
Children One child
Education University
Known languages Russian, Italian, Romanian, Ukrainian
Обладаю твердыми моральными принципами и глубокими духовными ценностями. В своей жизни я стремлюсь к честности, справедливости и гармонии, верю в важность душевного равновесия и искренних отношений. Моя внутренняя сила и мудрость помогают мне нести свет и добро в окружающий мир.
Interests * Spiritual literature and communication, * Temple visiting, * Psychology, * Philosophy, * Teosophy / Esoteric knowledge / New age, * Kosmology / Ufology, * Astrology, * Vastu shastra (Fen shui), * Yoga for Health (excersizes, asanas & "hatha yoga"), * Yoga for Spiritual Progress (no excersises or asanas), * Pranayama (Tsigun), * Music / Movies, * Arts (museums, theaters, exhibitions), * Fasting, * Alternative medicine- Reiki, Homeopathy & Bio-energetic influences, * Alternative medicine- Ayurveda, herbs, oils, etc., * Alternative medicine- Healing gems, * Dancing (professionally or lessons), * Sport for health (running, excersizes), * Travelling, * Nature (observing, bird feeding, relaxing, etc.), * Natural living (Ecological community settlements), * Sea life (living near, sailing, diving etc.), * Flying (planes, kites, parashute jumps etc.), * Sex health
Religious background ESOTERICISM
Spiritual education I know a little, read some literature
Prayer / Meditation Sometimes
Person of other faith? Yes, if the person is nice and respectful
Other religions Esotericism / New Age
Height 5.24ft / 160sm
Weight 138pd / 63kg
Natural hair color Auburn
Natural eye color Brown
Here for Spiritual help in family union, Intelligent communication with educated people
Type of family realtions * The husband earns well, the wife does not work but with knowledge inspires him for even greater feats in his sphere of activity
, * The husband works and provides for the family, the wife works around the house and takes care of her husband
, * What`s important is love and understanding, everything else not important!
Priority Sports / Health / Development
Willingness to have children Only under certain conditions
I have: * Good taste, style and manners, * Perfect physical appearances, * Intelligence, and analytical ability, * Higher education, * Lovely, kind character, * Much of the above but in the future
Intimacy It`s an integral part of healthy, happy relationship
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Maximal allowed age: 69
Potential spouse must have: * House / Apartment (own property), * Good, profitable work, * Good taste, style and manners, * Perfect physical look & shape, * Intelligence, analytical abilities, * Higher education, * Lovely, kind character, * Potency and skills in "love making", * Grandiose plans for the future
Seeking family status Single / Unmarried
Searching with children
No children
Seeking country Italy
Seeking smoking preference No, I never smoked, Yes, I smoke but seldomly
Seeking alcohol preference Yes, I drink but seldomly
Searching vegetarian or not
Yes I eat meat
Searching by priority in life Spiritual life, Family, Creativity, Recreation / Travel, Friends / Communication / Society, Sports / Health / Development
Searching by the preference to have children Only under certain conditions
Seeking by intimacy preferences It`s an integral part of healthy, happy relationship
Searching religion
Seeking spiritual education Deep understanding in culture and scriptures, spiritual realizations
Seeking gender Male
Seeking age 46 - 69
Seeking height From Any - To Any
Seeking weight From Any - To Any
Registered on 06.06.2024
Last access 18.06.2024
User type Registered user
User online status Offline
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Forum posts 0
Profile views 189
Popularity 0.27

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