Интеллектуальные знакомства: Vladimir G. , 34, Russia, Владивосток

Vladimir G., 34, Владивосток. (Profile 27871)

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Gender Male
Name Vladimir G.
Date of birth .03.1990   (Age: 34)
Zodiac sign Pisces
Country Russia
City Владивосток
Family status Single / Unmarried
Children No children
Work Подвижная
Намастеॐ Я следую двайта-веданте Шри Мадхвачарьи, учу Самскрит. Много лет был в исконе, ушёл. Ищу спутницу жизни для серьёзных отношений. Очень важными качествами партнёрши являются внутреннее спокойствие и отсутствие излишней эмоциональности. Часто посещаю Бхарату (Индию) и путешествую в принципе. Веду активный образ жизни. Хари ॐ
Smoking No, I never smoked
Alcohol No and never did
Meat products No, I do not
Cows milk I drink but seldomly
Interests * Spiritual literature and communication, * Temple visiting, * Teaching, discussions and distribution of spiritual knowledge, * Astrology, * Vastu shastra (Fen shui), * Yoga for Health (excersizes, asanas & "hatha yoga"), * Pranayama (Tsigun), * Forbidden (Silenced) History / Archeology, * Photography / Video, * Vegetarianism, * Fasting, * Alternative medicine- Ayurveda, herbs, oils, etc., * Martial arts, * Sport for health (running, excersizes), * Travelling, * Nature (observing, bird feeding, relaxing, etc.), * Natural living (Ecological community settlements), * Sea life (living near, sailing, diving etc.), * Animals, * Sex health
Music Мантры, бхаджаны, саундтреки Махабхараты, медитативная, энергичная для тренировок, иногда классическая
Authors Веды, Шри Мадхвачарья
Religious background HINDUISM
Spiritual education I know a lot, studied a lot of literature
Prayer / Meditation Yes I do
Height 5.97ft / 182sm
Weight 149pd / 68kg
Blood type Type2+ (A+)
Here for Spiritual help in family union, Marriage, birth and education of children, Creating a family in wealth and material prosperity
Type of family realtions * The husband is the head of the family and the wife follows his wise instructions
, * The husband earns well, the wife does not work but with knowledge inspires him for even greater feats in his sphere of activity
, * The husband works and provides for the family, the wife works around the house and takes care of her husband
, * Both have equal rights in the family but separate duties
, * What`s important is love and understanding, everything else not important!
Priority Spiritual life
Willingness to have children I want more than one child
I have: * House / Apartment (own property), * Good, profitable work, * Intelligence, and analytical ability, * Higher education, * Spiritual education, level, realizations
Intimacy It`s an important area of life
Primary web page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004439685351
Secondary web page https://vk.com/id190919711
Telephone, email WhatsApp, Telegram +79502886432
Registration email You must be at least a Gold user to view this field
Maximal allowed age: 37
Seeking smoking preference No, I never smoked
Seeking alcohol preference No and never did
Searching vegetarian or not
No, I do not
Searching by the preference to have children I want more than one child
Seeking gender Female
Seeking age 24 - 37
Seeking height From Any - To Any
Seeking weight From Any - To Any
Registered on 07.06.2024
Last access 15.06.2024
User type Gold user
User online status Offline
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Forum posts 0
Profile views 193
Popularity 0.25

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